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  4. 国連WFP協会の活動に賛同し、本年も寄付を実施しました




Kenya, Narok District, Narok. February 16, 2010 WFP Beneficiaries of the School Meals Programme jump together in a group shot with their red cups in hand, outisde the Enkare Nairowua Primary School in Narok. Featured in the photo is Moses Kulale (1st on the left); Caroline Kool (sixth from the left); Mailogi Ikokia (third from the right); and Oltetia Sayialel (second from the right). The WFP’s commitment to School Meals Programmes in Kenya is high: the programme is rooted in the policy framework and there is a strong cooperation between WFP and the Ministry of Education. WFP is providing school meals to nearly 1.2 million children in Kenya. These are the most vulnerable children living in arid and semi-arid lands, and urban slums, who will receive at least one nutritious meal a day through WFP. Among the poor, there is often not enough food at home, and most schools in developing countries lack canteens or cafeterias. School meals are a good way to channel vital nourishment to poor children. Having a full stomach also helps them to concentrate better on their lessons. In countries where school attendance is low, the promise of at least one nutritious meal each day boosts enrolment and promotes regular attendance. Parents are motivated to send their children to school instead of keeping them at home to work or care for siblings. In the poorest parts of the world, a school meal programme can double primary school enrolment in one year. Among the key beneficiaries are girls, who otherwise may never be given the opportunity to learn. In this school, each child brings one stick and a small can of water every day (both of which are collected on the way to school). The water will be used for the plants in the school garden and the stick will be delivered to the kitchen to serve as fuel to cook the school meal. Since stoves have been introduced, schools have been able to save up to fifty percent of their fuel requirements and hence the method adopted in this

Kenya, Narok District, Narok. February 16, 2010
WFP Beneficiaries of the School Meals Programme jump together in a group shot with their red cups in hand, outisde the Enkare Nairowua Primary School in Narok. Featured in the photo is Moses Kulale

  • 2018/03/01
  • その他
  • 投稿者:管理部 谷